I graduated.

Babies two days ago I graduated from high school, with my kewl walking partner named Paul. Thanks for being my walking partner, Paul. Thanks for the memories, AHS.

Cabel fixes my stole like any good man would.

Joe Scott. Fuck...

Me 'n Cabel!!

Me and my mom!!!!

Tee hee me and Paul strolling towards our future.


I got free food at Plaza Jalisco.

Today Luis gave us some free food at Plaza Jalisco since we're graduating tomorrow. He was all "Ahh.. just forget about the bill". What a nice man Luis is. Thank you, Luis. Will also pooped many a time in a toilet bowl, as he normally does.

Also we saw The Hangover which is a movie about 4 young yuppies that get cruuuunk in Las Vegas and can't find one of their friends. One of the yuppies was very fat, and I liked him the most because of the funny things he would say. He made me laugh on more than one occasion.

I can't wait to graduate tomorrow. I move to Hawaii in like 24 days or something.